Australian Government Architecture

Delivering for Tomorrow: APS Workforce Strategy 2025

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Responsible agency: Australian Public Service Commission
Last updated: 15 June 2021

Delivering for Tomorrow: the APS Workforce Strategy 2025 (the Strategy) is an APS Reform initiative agreed by the Government in its Delivering for Australians Reform agenda. It recognises that our people – and the capabilities they bring – are our key asset in delivering for the Government and the Australian people.

The Strategy represents an enterprise-wide view on how to equip the APS workforce to tackle immediate and emerging challenges, and highlights three key areas of focus through to 2025:

  • Attract, build and retain skills, expertise and talent.
  • Embrace data, technology and flexible and responsive workforce models.
  • Strengthen integrity and purposeful leadership.

The Strategy identifies a suite of actions under each of the three focus areas. The Australian Public Service Commission will work with agencies to coordinate delivery of key outputs across the service. Agencies will continue to implement initiatives in line with existing or future workforce planning processes.

The Strategy does not replace agency-level strategic and operational planning processes. Rather, it is designed to support APS agencies to identify and build the workforce and capabilities needed for the future.

Access the strategy

The website hosts the Delivering for Tomorrow: APS Workforce Strategy 2025 (full text).


This strategy covers digital solutions in following capability.

APS Digital and ICT Skills

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