Australian Government Architecture

APS Identity Management

What is APS Identity Management?

APS Identity Management is a set of processes to manage the identification and authentication of Australian Public Service staff to access government building, systems and information.


An objective for this space will be finalised through the iterative development of the Australian Government Architecture.


This capability is part of the following domain.

Staff Experience


The following designs include examples of how digital solutions in this capability can be delivered.

Lead Agency: Department of Industry, Science & Resources

Technology Type: VANguard

Federated Authentication Service (FAS) enables an agency staff member’s existing network login to be used as a single sign-on for online services. The user does not need to re-enter a password when accessing connected services. FAS supports authentication to Unclassified, Official, and PROTECTED…

Lead Agency: Comcare

Technology Type: Microsoft Dynamics 365

Integrated Regulatory Information System (IRIS) is the primary application used by Comcare’s Regulatory Operations Group for various regulatory licensing, monitoring, compliance, and investigation tasks. It is a central, organised, easy-to access place to store data about notifications (work health…
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