Australian Government Architecture

Secure Data Exchange

What is Secure Data Exchange?

Secure Data Exchange refers to providing secure data exchange between systems within an agency or between agencies and users. Secure Data Exchange application is the encryption technology which provides a secure transfer mechanism of data to support the data linkage activities. Secure Data Exchange principle includes user authentication and access control including files and folders.


To standardise Secure Data Exchange practices across government through centralised data exchange platforms, to ensure the high quality and effective management of government data.

Policy Elements

Secure Data Exchange policy (Position) Mandate:
  • Align to common data ontologies across portfolios strategy for their data management.

  • Collaborate with the private and research sectors to extend the value of public data for the benefit of the Australian public.

  • Optimise the use and reuse of public data

  • Release non-sensitive data as open by default, using the Standard.


This capability is part of the following domain.

Integration and Interoperability


The following policies have requirements that impact this capability.
Mandate: Unendorsed
Status: Consulting

Strategic Alignment

Digital solutions in this capability can support the following strategies.

2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

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