Australian Government Architecture

APS Digital and ICT Skills

What is APS Digital and ICT Skills?

APS Digital and ICT Skills refers to the advancement and management of APS Digital and ICT skills that promote a whole of APS Digital Profession which can be used efficiently to address fluctuating capability and capacity constraints across government.


An objective for this space will be finalised through the iterative development of the Australian Government Architecture.


This capability is part of the following domain.



The following designs include examples of how digital solutions in this capability can be delivered.

Lead Agency: Australian Public Service Commission

The APS Digital Profession is an initiative that aims to lift the digital expertise of the Australian Public Sector (APS) and meet the long-term capability needs of government. It is an online community that helps agencies design and deliver better products and services for the needs of the…

Lead Agency: Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Technology Type: Acorn Learning Management System

Learnhub provides a central catalogue of shared educational content to APS agencies. Individual agencies are able to create and share content throughout the entire shared service or restrict access to their tenancy and users. Agencies can also access content from a number of exclusive third-party…

Strategic Alignment

Digital solutions in this capability can support the following strategies.

Delivering for Tomorrow: APS Workforce Strategy 2025

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