Quantum computing refers to the storing and processing of information utilising quantum technologies. Quantum technologies take advantage of the way matter and light behave at atomic and subatomic scales. Quantum mechanical properties (like entanglement, superposition and tunnelling) can be used to build advanced technologies that would otherwise be impossible.
As an emerging technology currently being progressed through collaboration between physicists and computer scientists, potential use cases of quantum computing are under ongoing exploration.
A Quantum Computing capability is currently being progressed within the Commonwealth through:
- utilising properties of matter at the atomic and sub-atomic scales to make complex calculations that would not be feasible with traditional computers
- creating ultra-secure communication that theoretically cannot be accepted without the sender and receivers' awareness
- functioning as part of a complementary suite of new and emerging AGA Technology Reference Capabilities.
The objectives of this content are to:
- provide an agreed definition of quantum computing for Australian Public Service utilisation
- ensure that entities are familiar with quantum computing best practices, allowing them to make informed decisions on investment
- ensure that new quantum computing solutions draw efficiency from preceding investments, implementations, and learnings to maximise re-use and minimise risk
- meet the minimum compliance with legislation and regulation, government policies and standards, and any national or international agreements relating to quantum computing utilisation
- maximise the potential for reuse across government when implementing new systems that utilise quantum computing
- leverage whole-of-government purchasing arrangements for the supply of quantum technology.
Whole of Government Applicability
The Data and Digital Government Strategy (DDGS) sets a vision for 2030 to deliver simple, secure and connected public services for all people and business, through world class data and digital capabilities.
Suitable handing of quantum computing as a capability supports the DDGS missions of:
- Government for the future: To adopt emerging technologies, especially where they create significant opportunities to improve APS processes.
- Trusted and secure: To connect data, digital, and cyber security, and build and maintain trust.
The Department of Industry, Science and Resources has released the National Quantum Strategy, developed to grow the quantum industry in Australia. The strategy sets out a long-term vision for how Australia will take advantage of the opportunities of quantum technologies, including to:
- invest in, connect and grow Australia’s quantum research and industry to compete with the world’s best
- support new quantum infrastructure to ensure it meets the Australian industry’s needs now and into the future
- champion responsible innovation and ensure the growth of Australia’s quantum industry supports economic prosperity while safeguarding our national interests.
Policy Elements
Comply with legislation
An entity must comply with any legislation relevant to its circumstances.
Align to best practice and Commonwealth guidelines and standards
Entities must consider and implement according to guidelines, including those applicable to domains within which they are implementing solutions as well as quantum-specific standards.
Understand the evolving Commonwealth quantum computing technology environment
The Commonwealth development approach must be informed by an understanding of current and emerging quantum computing development policies, practices and owners.
Leverage quantum opportunities for government
The Commonwealth has a core role to play in enabling Australia’s quantum agenda including enabling basic research; enhancing cybersecurity; and supporting global collaboration. Government is ideally placed to both drive and leverage a range of opportunities.
Recognise the forecast timeframe for the development of quantum related technology solutions
The Commonwealth solution development approach needs to be informed by both the base quantum computing capabilities available, and the projected timeframe for the development of new technology options.
Ensure the sustainability of quantum computing solutions
Continual improvement of processes, and features, data, security, technology, skills, and cost should remain a focus to maximise functionality, reduce risk, and minimise accumulation of technical debt.
Adhere to reuse principles
Entities must analyse the current quantum computing technology environment against their requirements, identifying gaps and opportunities for reuse, give priority to the adoption of reuseable digital and ICT solutions, patterns, or knowledge, and design new solutions with a focus on future reuse.