Australian Government Architecture

Digital Access Standard


The Digital Access Standard is being introduced with a transitional approach applied. The Standard applies to new and replacement digital services for individuals suitable for myGov from 1 January 2025 and all other new and replacement public-facing digital services for individuals as well those for businesses and providers from 01 January 2026. For the 2025-26 Budget process, any new digital or ICT enabled proposal that has a public-facing portal, must meet the requirements of the Digital Access Standard.


The Digital Access Standard sets requirements for non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs) to make informed decisions and reduce duplication of front doors and entry points to government digital services, ensuring a unified experience for individuals and business when interacting with the Australian Government.

The Standard is made up of 5 criteria agencies must follow to determine if they need to reuse an existing access point or if they can create a new one, making services easy to discover and access in a seamless way:

  1. Understand how your users access services - make the most of existing access points by understanding where users already go to access digital government services.
  2. Define your service offering - understand what capabilities are needed to support the new service.
  3. Use the Australian Government Architecture (AGA) to find reusable platforms and capabilities - use the AGA to discover existing capabilities available for reuse, and requirements that apply to new services
  4. Follow the decision-making framework- apply decision-making criteria to apply a consistent approach to evaluating if a new access point is required
  5. Engage with delivery partners - engage with delivery partners to establish a successful, collaborative and trusted partnership.

The Data and Digital Government Strategy sets a 2030 vision for the Australian Government to deliver simple, secure, and connected public services, for all people and business, through world class data and digital capabilities. The Standard supports this vision by reducing the need for people to understand internal government workings to find the support and services they need.

Find out how to meet the Digital Access Standard.


This standard supports digital solutions in the following capability.

Content Management (Business)


Digital Portal (Individual)


Content Management (Individual)


Digital Portal (Business)


This standard assists in meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Digital Experience Policy


The following designs show how to achieve the intent of this standard.
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Direct link: Responsible agency: Australian Taxation Office  A Director Identification Number (director ID) is a unique 15-digit identifier required for directors of Australian companies. Managed by the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS), it helps prevent…
Direct link: agency: Department of Health and Aged Care The National Cancer Screening Register is a centralised system that records an individual's participation in cervical and bowel screening. Their Participant Portal allows people who are doing bowel and cervical…
Direct link: Responsible agency: Department of Veterans’ Affairs MyService provides veterans and their families with a way to connect with and get support from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) online. Accessed through MyGov, people can use MyService to:…
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