Australian Government Architecture

Digital Portal policy (Position)

Policy (Position)

  • Avoid investments in new capabilities that are available through existing portals

  • Ensure best practices are applied in building digital and ICT services

  • Ensure public facing services are made available digitally

  • Leverage existing Government investment in digital portals


This policy includes requirements that relate to the following capability.

Digital Portal (Individual)


The following standards show what to do to satisfy this policy.
Notice The Digital Service Standard v2.0 was released on 4 December 2023 with a transitional approach applied. The updated Standard applies to new public and staff facing services from 01 July 2024 and existing public facing services from 01 July 2025.  For the 2024-25 Budget process, agencies…


The following designs can be relevant to meeting the requirements of this policy.
Notice The Digital Service Standard v2.0 was released on 4 December 2023. For the 2024-25 Budget process, agencies going through the DCAP Assessment will be required to meet the Digital Service Standard v1.0.   The Digital Service Standard Guides and Tools provides advice on how agencies can…
Direct link: Responsible agency: Services AustraliamyGov is a contemporary digital platform available via a native app and web portal. myGov is delivered through a modern and adaptable digital platform that is responsive to the changing needs of its users and Government…
The Mobile Authentication Pattern available through myGov enables individuals to sign in to an agency app using their myGov login details. For more information, please contact the myGov Engagement and Onboarding team at
Agencies can request the myGov onboarding documentation which defines the necessary Profiles, Schemas, Specifications, and Standards to connect their services to myGov from
The Web Authentication Pattern available through myGov enables individuals to sign in to an agency website or service using their myGov login details. For more information, please contact the myGov Engagement and Onboarding team at
The Personal Property Securities Register, most commonly known as the PPSR, is an official government register. It is a public noticeboard of security interests in personal property that is managed by the Registrar of Personal Property Securities
Direct link: agency: Australian Taxation Office  An individual or sole trader can use ATO online services through myGov to manage tax and super in one place. Users can access the following…
Direct link: agency: Services Australia   A Centrelink online account allows an individual to: claim payments manage documents report employment income manage money view payments and overpayments.  A myGov account is…
Direct link: agency: Services Australia A Child Support online account can be used to check child support payment details and keep personal details up to date. A myGov account is needed to set up and use a Child Support online…
Direct link: agency: Department of Families, Fairness and Housing HousingVic Online Services is a secure online platform allowing Victorian renters and social housing applicants to view and manage their housing information through myGov. The secure…
Medicare is Australia’s universal health care system and helps Australians with the cost of their healthcare. People with a Medicare card need to sign in through myGov to set up and use their Medicare online account.
My Health Record is an online summary of an individual's health information that they and their healthcare providers can view securely, which is accessed through myGov.
Program to establish a new MHR National Repository Service to transition MHR away from being a clinical document (PDF) repository to a data-rich platform.
The National Cancer Screening Register records an individual's participation in cervical and bowel screening. Their Participant Portal allows people who are doing bowel and cervical screening to update personal details, manage their participation and view screening information, and is accessed via…
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) helps people with disability pay for supports and services. To use the NDIS participant portals (either myplace portal or the my NDIS portal), people need to link NDIS to myGov.
NDIA design and build of a new ICT business system to replace the current business system, portal and payment systems
The National Redress Scheme provides support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. Individuals can apply for redress online through myGov.
The State Revenue Office Victoria (SRO) administer things such as the First Home Owner Grant (HOG), unclaimed money and several Victorian government subsidies and exemptions. When someone links the to myGov, their land tax assessments will come directly to their myGov Inbox, rather than through the…
Program to design, build, implement and sustain the ICT changes necessary to enable the Support at Home program.
MyService gives veterans and their families a way to connect with us online, allowing them to lodge claims and track their progress, apply for a Veteran Card, book transport and more. A myGov account is needed to set up and access a MyService online account.
Direct link: agency: Services Australia The Express Plus Centrelink mobile app allows people to manage their Centrelink information directly from their mobile devices. It provides people with the ability to: check and…
Direct link: agency: Services Australia Express Plus Child Support is a mobile app that allows users to manage their child support information directly from their mobile devices. The app is available 24 hours a day, 7…
Direct link: agency: Services Australia The Express Plus Medicare app is a mobile app that lets users manage their Medicare information from their mobile devices, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  To use the app, a user…
Notice The Digital Service Standard v2.0 was released on 4 December 2023. For the 2024-25 Budget process, agencies going through the DCAP Assessment will be required to meet the Digital Service Standard v1.0.   The Digital Service Standard Guides and Tools provides advice on how agencies can…
The DTA Pilot Tell Us Once platform was developed under the Public Service Monetisation Fund (PSMF) from 2017 to 2019 as one of a set of reusable digital platforms (Whole-of-Government Platforms), to help Australian Government agencies provide better services. The Tell Us Once aim was to create a…
Direct link: agency: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry The Agriculture Design System (AgDS) is an open-source design system that builds on the visual language and design principles of the original Australian Government Design…
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