Australian Government Architecture


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Responsible agency: Services Australia

myGov is a contemporary digital platform available via a native app and web portal. myGov is delivered through a modern and adaptable digital platform that is responsive to the changing needs of its users and Government delivering a flexible, scalable, digital solution.

myGov offers a suite of services including inbox (secure message delivery), multi-channel tasking and notifications (prompting the customer to action), modern and secure authentication services, whole of government content delivery, digital wallet and a ’tell-us-once’ address and contact details update service.

myGov is the largest citizen facing digital government platform in Australia, with over 20 million active and linked accounts. Over 4 million users have downloaded and registered their myGov account in the myGov mobile app.

myGov offers government a powerful capability to engage with almost every adult in Australia delivering information straight into the hands of its users.

The About myGov page provides information about what myGov does and the services it provides, including information about the Member Services (government agencies) currently connected to myGov as well as information on other Government services.

For more information, please contact the myGov Engagement and Onboarding team at


This design is part of the following capability.

Content Management (Business)


Digital Portal (Individual)


Content Management (Individual)


Digital Portal (Business)


This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Digital Portal policy (Position)


Digital Experience Policy


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
Notice The Digital Service Standard v2.0 was released on 4 December 2023 with a transitional approach applied. The updated Standard applies to new public and staff facing services from 01 July 2024 and existing public facing services from 01 July 2025.  For the 2024-25 Budget process, agencies…
Notice The Digital Access Standard is being introduced with a transitional approach applied. The Standard applies to new and replacement digital services for individuals suitable for myGov from 1 January 2025 and all other new and replacement public-facing digital services for individuals as well…
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