Australian Government Architecture

Director ID

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Responsible agency: Australian Taxation Office 

A Director Identification Number (director ID) is a unique 15-digit identifier required for directors of Australian companies. Managed by the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS), it helps prevent fraudulent identities and promotes transparency.

A person will need a director ID if they're an eligible officer of:

  • a company, registered Australian body, or registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).

An eligible officer is a person who is appointed as either:

  • a director
  • an alternate director who is acting in that capacity.

To be a director under the Corporations Act, they must:

  • be an individual who is at least 18 years old
  • not be disqualified from managing corporations, unless the appointment is made with the permission of ASIC or the Court.

A person must apply for their own director ID to verify their identity. No one can apply on their behalf.


This design is part of the following capability.

Content Management (Business)


Digital Portal (Individual)


Identity Management (Business)


Content Management (Individual)


Digital Portal (Business)


This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Identity Management Business policy (Position)


Digital Experience Policy


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
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Notice The Digital Access Standard is being introduced with a transitional approach applied. The Standard applies to new and replacement digital services for individuals suitable for myGov from 1 January 2025 and all other new and replacement public-facing digital services for individuals as well…
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