Australian Government Architecture

Grant Management


Grants are used across the Commonwealth to achieve government policy aims and outcomes for the public through payments to individuals and organisations. Grant Management is defined as the publishing, administering, and managing of these Government-funded services and opportunities.


Grant Management systems enable the administration of grants through the full grant lifecycle. This includes, but is not limited to, processing grant applications, assessment of eligibility, management of grant funding, tracking of grants and grant programs, auditing, and reporting.


The objectives of this Australian Government Architecture content are to:

  • Maximise the value delivered by the existing grants hubs.
  • Ensure digital solutions are aligned to achieve the Australian Government’s strategic outcomes of efficient use of taxpayer funds.
  • Reduce implementation risk through the reuse of proven designs within government.
  • Ensure that new Grant Management solutions draw efficiency from preceding investments, implementations, and learnings.
  • Foster technological, data, and workflow consistency across agencies, resulting in simpler and more accessible Grant Management.

Whole of Government Applicability

The Grant Management capability contributes to the seamless delivery of Australian government grants through opportunities for leveraging this capability across:

  • Shared services arrangements.
  • Reuse of business process design and rule validations.
  • Reuse of commercial engagements, including whole-of-government arrangements.
  • Replication and redeployment of proven technology platforms, data ontologies and workflows.
  • Mobility of APS employees to support knowledge sharing.
  • Reuse of lessons learnt from prior implementations.

Policy Elements

Grant Management Policy Mandate:
  • Publish on GrantConnect.

    Grant opportunity guidelines and grant awards must be made publicly available on GrantConnect, except where there is a specific policy reason to not publicise the grant opportunity guidelines, or grants are provided on a one-off or ad hoc basis. 

  • Reuse existing designs, patterns, and investments. 

    Consideration must be given to minimising risk, improving consistency, accelerating delivery, and lowering total cost of Grants Management. This includes leveraging existing standards and designs prior to considering alternative new developments.

  • Build for reuse. 

    Where reuse is not possible, provide evidence of which systems across government have been investigated (specifically the usage, users, scale, and security classification of the system), demonstrate how any new investment may be extensible and operationalised for reuse, and highlight potential benefits to agencies seeking similar capabilities. 

  • Engage the Department of Finance. 

    When developing a Grant Management platform, Non-corporate Commonwealth Entities (NCEs) should contact the Department of Finance in the first instance.


This capability is part of the following domain.

Government Service Delivery


The following policies have requirements that impact this capability.
Mandate: Endorsed
Status: Core


The following standards support development of digital solutions in this capability.
Grant Management systems enable the administration of grants throughout their entire lifecycles. Functions include, but are not limited to, processing grant applications, assessment of eligibility, management of grant funding, tracking of grants and grant programs, auditing, and…


The following designs include examples of how digital solutions in this capability can be delivered.

Lead Agency: Department of Social Services

The Community Grants Hub provides a shared-services arrangement to deliver grant administration services on behalf of Australian Government client agencies to support their policy outcomes. Client agencies are responsible for grant policy and the development of grant programs, while the Hub is…

Lead Agency: Department of Finance

GrantConnect provides centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities and grants awarded. Forecast Opportunities are used to advertise potential Grant Opportunities by providing limited information and an estimated period of release

Lead Agency: Department of Industry, Science & Resources

Technology Type: GovCMS

The Business Grants Hub helps government agencies design and deliver grants programs through a centralised grants portal and management system.

Lead Agency: National Health and Medical Research Council

Technology Type: GovCMS

Sapphire is the National Health and Medical Research Council's (NHMRC) technology solution for supporting end-to-end management of all Medical Research Endowment Account grant opportunities (GOs) as well as Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) GOs administered by NHMRC on behalf of the Department of…
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