Australian Government Architecture

Quantum Computing policy

This policy describes the requirements for entities planning digital investments involving quantum computing.


Digital investment proposals are assessed against this policy by the DTA through the Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (IOF).

Commonwealth entities are encouraged to apply this policy to all digital investments.

Policy requirements

  • Comply with legislation

    An entity must comply with any legislation relevant to its circumstances.

  • Align to best practice and Commonwealth guidelines and standards

    Entities must consider and implement according to guidelines, including those applicable to domains within which they are implementing solutions as well as quantum-specific standards.

  • Understand the evolving Commonwealth quantum computing technology environment

    The Commonwealth development approach must be informed by an understanding of current and emerging quantum computing development policies, practices and owners.

  • Leverage quantum opportunities for government

    The Commonwealth has a core role to play in enabling Australia’s quantum agenda including enabling basic research; enhancing cybersecurity; and supporting global collaboration. Government is ideally placed to both drive and leverage a range of opportunities.

  • Recognise the forecast timeframe for the development of quantum related technology solutions

    The Commonwealth solution development approach needs to be informed by both the base quantum computing capabilities available, and the projected timeframe for the development of new technology options.

  • Ensure the sustainability of quantum computing solutions

    Continual improvement of processes, and features, data, security, technology, skills, and cost should remain a focus to maximise functionality, reduce risk, and minimise accumulation of technical debt.

  • Adhere to reuse principles

    Entities must analyse the current quantum computing technology environment against their requirements, identifying gaps and opportunities for reuse, give priority to the adoption of reuseable digital and ICT solutions, patterns, or knowledge, and design new solutions with a focus on future reuse. 


This policy includes requirements that relate to the following capability.

Quantum Computing


The following standards show what to do to satisfy this policy.
Quantum computing solutions can facilitate the exceptional processing of vast amounts of Commonwealth data, as well as enabling improved data security. The recent trend towards direct incorporation of machine learning and large language model systems has the potential to be massively enhanced by…


The following designs can be relevant to meeting the requirements of this policy.
Quantum technology is technology that relies on the properties of quantum mechanics, including quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and quantum tunnelling. The DTA has performed discovery to understand the potential for quantum technology in Australian Government, and how government can…
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