Australian Government Architecture

Outgoing Correspondence policy

This policy describes the requirements for entities planning digital investments involving outgoing correspondence.


Digital investment proposals are assessed against this policy by the DTA through the Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (IOF).

Commonwealth entities are encouraged to apply this policy to all digital investments.

Policy requirements

  • Comply with legislation

    An entity must comply with any legislation relevant to its circumstances.

  • Motivate digital-first

    Encourage users to overcome digital barriers and prioritise communication by correspondence via digital channels wherever possible, simplifying and standardising processes and removing the opportunity for human error.

  • Write correspondence that is simple, clear, inclusive, and relevant

    Correspondence must be written in conformance with the Australian Government Style Manual, inclusive, easy to read, and understandable.

  • Securely identify and communicate to businesses and individuals

    Verify the identities of individuals and businesses prior to sending correspondence, aligning to identity management best practices and policies.

  • Apply AI ethics principles and policy when AI is involved in outgoing correspondence

    Where AI is utilised at any point during the workflow enabling outgoing correspondence, it must be implemented in line with appropriate policies and guidance.

  • Adhere to reuse principles

    Entities must give priority to the adoption of reuseable digital and ICT solutions, patterns, or knowledge, and, where necessary, design new solutions with a focus on future reuse.


This policy includes requirements that relate to the following capability.

Correspondence Management (Outgoing Correspondence)


The following standards show what to do to satisfy this policy.
Appropriate process and standardisation of outgoing communication from Commonwealth entities is important to the entities and recipients alike. While current-state technology and solutions have in some ways enhanced the management of outgoing correspondence, considerations detailed in the Standard…
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