The Digital and ICT Reuse Policy reduces duplication of investment and ongoing costs involved in digital and ICT delivery across government. This can help entities to drive lower build and run costs, increase speed and certainty of delivery, and move more joined-up services and people and businesses.
The Digital and ICT Reuse Policy ensures a whole of government focus on reuse of digital and ICT capabilities. It is used by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) to ensure that digital and ICT proposals that come forward for consideration are robust and meet whole-of-government digital standards prior to a decision being taken.
Further information on this process is available on the page about Contestability. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions via
The Digital and ICT Reuse Policy applies to Non-corporate Commonwealth entities subject to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
For corporate Commonwealth entities and wholly owned Commonwealth companies, the policy represents better practice.
The DTA will assess digital and ICT proposals against the policy if they have a whole-of-life ICT cost of $10 million or more. Agencies must consider the policy requirements when proposing, designing or delivering new government capabilities with a digital and ICT component or improving an existing digital service.
Policy requirements
Reuse whenever possible – your proposed investments must plan for and make use of any opportunities to reuse existing services or tools within your agency and across government.
Design and build for reuse – if your proposed investment cannot reuse an existing digital or ICT solution, you must ensure that the service you build, can be reused by other agencies.
Enable reuse by others – you must ensure anything you create is shared for others to reuse unless there’s a good reason not to