Australian Government Architecture

Business Grants Hub

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Responsible agency: Department of Industry, Science & Resources

The Business Grants Hub helps government agencies design and deliver grants programs through a centralised grants portal and management system. 

Providing an end-to-end service for agencies, the hub promotes and administers government grants through an integrated management system. This reduces the need for agencies to invest in and manage their own systems, while also providing greater visibility of their grants programs. 

For applicants and grant recipients, the hub provides a consistent user experience, including a single-entry point, ‘tell us once’ authentication processes and a standardised look and feel.  

This hub simplifies grants administration in line with the Streamlining Government Grants Administration Program (SGGA), reducing the duplication of effort and expenses. It helps agencies reuse existing designs and patterns, as per the Grant Management Standard.


This design is part of the following capability.

Grant Management


This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Grant Management Policy


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
Grant Management systems enable the administration of grants throughout their entire lifecycles. Functions include, but are not limited to, processing grant applications, assessment of eligibility, management of grant funding, tracking of grants and grant programs, auditing, and…
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