Australian Government Architecture

Standard for accountable officials

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Responsible agency: Digital Transformation Agency
Last updated: 1 September 2024

The Standard for accountable officials sets out the requirements that agencies designate an official(s) (AOs) accountable for the implementation of the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government.

Agencies may choose AOs who suit the agency context and structure and have the authority and influence to drive the policy's implementation.

The policy is mandatory for any non-corporate Commonwealth entities that are required to use it. The standard took effect from 1 September 2024.

Access the standard

The website hosts the Standard for accountable officials (full text).

Standard statements

Designate an accountable official

Agencies must:

  • designate accountability for implementing the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government to accountable official(s) (AOs) within 90 days of it coming into effect
  • notify DTA by email with the contact details of all AOs on initial selection and when accountable roles change.

Responsibilities of accountable officials

AOs are accountable for:

  • their agency's implementation of the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government
  • reporting new high-risk use cases identified by their agency
  • acting as the agency's contact point
  • engaging with whole-of-government AI forums and processes
  • keeping up to date with changing requirements.

In addition to their accountabilities under the policy, AOs should:

  • uplift governance of AI adoption in their agency
  • embed a culture that fairly balances AI risk management and innovation
  • enhance the response and adaptation to AI policy changes in their agency
  • facilitate their agency's involvement in cross-government coordination and collaboration
  • consider the other supporting activities.

Reporting high-risk use cases

AOs must send information as outlined in the Standard to the DTA, by emailing, in the event their agency identifies a new high-risk use case. This includes when an existing AI use case is re-assessed as high-risk.

Acting as the agency's contact point

AOs must be a primary point of contact for whole-of-government AI coordination.

AOs should facilitate information collection and agency participation in activities coordinated by DTA.

Engaging with forums and processes

AOs must engage in whole-of-government AI forums and processes.

Keeping up to date with changes

AOs should keep up to date with changes to the policy and impacts of policy requirements.


This standard supports digital solutions in the following capability.

Machine Learning


Deep Learning


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)


This standard assists in meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Policy for responsible use of AI in government

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