Australian Government Architecture

Pilot Australian Government artificial intelligence assurance framework

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Responsible agency: Digital Transformation Agency
Last updated: October 2024

The Pilot Australian Government artificial intelligence (AI) assurance framework guides Australian Government agencies through impact assessment of AI use cases against Australia's AI Ethics Principles. A number of Australian Government agencies are participating in the pilot, led by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA), from September to November 2024. Further practical advice on applying the draft framework is contained in accompanying draft guidance material.

The pilot is exploring AI assurance mechanisms for Australian Government agencies, consistent with the National framework for the assurance of AI in government. 

Evidence gathered from the pilot and other stakeholders will inform further updates to the framework and DTA’s recommendations to government on future Australian Government AI assurance settings, as part of next steps for the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government.

The draft framework and guidance are subject to change. This pilot draft does not represent a final Australian Government position on AI assurance.


The draft framework is being piloted with volunteer agencies from across government until November 2024. It is not presently mandated.

Agencies participating in the pilot are encouraged to try out the AI impact assessment process:

  • regardless of whether an AI model or system is procured, built, or otherwise sourced or adapted
  • when an AI use case has reached the 'design, data, and models' AI lifecycle stage
  • and when any of the following apply:
    • the estimated whole-of-life cost of the project or service incorporating the use of AI is more than $10 million
    • it is possible the use of AI will lead to more than insignificant harm to individuals, communities, organisations or the environment
    • the use of AI will materially influence decision-making that affects individuals, communities, organisations or the environment
    • it is possible the AI will either directly interact with the public or produce outputs that are not subject to human review prior to publication.

Access the framework

The website hosts the Pilot Australian Government artificial intelligence assurance framework (full text).

For further information on the framework and accompanying guidance, please email


This standard supports digital solutions in the following capability.

Machine Learning


Deep Learning


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)


This standard assists in meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Policy for responsible use of AI in government


The following designs show how to achieve the intent of this standard.
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