Australian Government Architecture

Payments policy

This policy describes the requirements for entities planning digital investments involving payments.


Digital investment proposals are assessed against this policy by the DTA through the Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (IOF).

Commonwealth entities are encouraged to apply this policy to all digital investments.

Policy requirements

  • Comply with legislation

    An entity must comply with any legislation relevant to its circumstances.

  • Understand alignment to payment archetypes 

    Payment systems can be grouped into archetypes. Alignment to one of the eight architypes listed in the standard will provide a focal point for identification of previous investment and assessment of solution suitability. 

  • Prioritise standardisation and interoperability

    Following standard payment methods or taxonomies allows greater performance and interoperability.

  • Ensure security and fraud prevention

    Stringent security measures, including encryption, access controls, and monitoring to detect and prevent fraud, are critical to the safeguarding of payments and related data.

  • Set payment timelines and prompt payment standards

    Clear timelines for processing payments promotes prompt payment to and by individuals and businesses. Entities may establish procedures for expedited processing of payments in emergency situations, where immediate funds are required, such as during natural disasters. 

  • Ensure, and report on, transparency

    Transparency in the payment processes, including clear documentation and communication of payment terms and conditions, is critical to build trust and give confidence in payment recipients.

  • Engage stakeholders and consider user experience

    Prioritising accessibility, ease of use, and support for multiple payment methods will ensure payment systems are designed with the end-user. 

  • Prioritise simplicity, sustainability, scalability, and emerging trends

    The developing of long-term strategies for the sustainability and scalability of payments solutions will accommodate future growth and technological advancements. Entities should prioritise the simplification of payment processes, with a defined transition strategy to digital payment platforms.

  • Adhere to reuse principles

    Entities must give priority to the adoption of reuseable digital and ICT solutions, patterns, or knowledge, and, where necessary, design new solutions with a focus on future reuse.


This policy includes requirements that relate to the following capability.





The following standards show what to do to satisfy this policy.
The Payments standard ensures that payment systems are delivered in a manner that prioritises recipients whilst delivering efficiency and meeting the requirements of Commonwealth entities. Comply with legislation  Entities must: comply with relevant Commonwealth legislation including (but not…


The following designs can be relevant to meeting the requirements of this policy.
Responsible agency: Reserve Bank of Australia Government EasyPay is a phone and online payment solution, providing a secure platform for people to make payments to government agencies. Available to agencies across government, the service can be used to collect a range of payments, including tax…
The Revenue Receipting Platform is an inbound payments platform designed to receive payments and temporary payments on a large scale, with repayment refunds, pay later billing, POS, EFTPOS, direct debit and the reversal capabilities. The Revenue Receipting Platform is intended for reuse by…
Single Touch Payroll (STP), is an Australian Government initiative to reduce employers' reporting burdens to government agencies With STP, you report employees' payroll information to us each time you pay them through STP-enabled software. Payroll information includes: salaries and wages; pay as…
Payment Utility is a SAP-based centralised payments platform that delivers payments to recipients through multiple methods. Payment Utility was built under Services Australia's Welfare Payments Infrastructure Transformation (WPIT) program, developed using the SAP…
Payments In enables people to pay government agencies using their preferred payment method. Agencies will be able to receive paid invoices and reports without having to manage differing and multiple payment types. System has been retired by the DTA and is no longer available for Reuse. 
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