Australian Government Architecture


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Responsible agency: Australian Taxation Office

myGovID changed its name to myID on 13 November 2024.

myID is a whole-of-government digital identity solution which can be used by Australians to prove who they are online, and provide an identity that can be re-used to access participating government online services.

myID is the Australian Government's Digital ID app available through the Australian Government's Digital ID System.

The setup process requires users to:

  • be at least 15 years old
  • have a personal email address or mobile phone number
  • have a smartphone or smart device
  • download the myID app
  • prepare documents that help prove identity, such as passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate or Medicare card
  • choose which identity strength is required (basic, standard, or strong - depending on the service that is required).

myID is accredited under the Trusted Digital Identity Framework as an identity provider (reusable digital identity, mobile application, identity proofing levels 1, 2 and 3, and biometric enabled) and credential provider (mobile application, credential level 2 and multi-factor crypto software).


This design is part of the following capability.

Identity Management (Individual)


This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Identity Management Individual policy (Position)


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
The TDIF Identity Proofing Level 3 (IP 3) is an accreditation standard within the TDIF. It is used when a high level of confidence in the claimed Identity is needed. This requires two or more Identity Documents to verify someone’s claim to an existing Identity and requires the Binding Objective to…
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