Australian Government Architecture

Government EasyPay

Responsible agency: Reserve Bank of Australia

Government EasyPay is a phone and online payment solution, providing a secure platform for people to make payments to government agencies.

Available to agencies across government, the service can be used to collect a range of payments, including tax instalments, child support payments and charges relating to Freedom of Information requests. It is currently used by agencies such as:

Government EasyPay protects and secures information provided by users through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 256-bit encryption. Data is also protected from external exposure through firewalls and proxy servers.

Data privacy is secured through the Reserve Bank’s outsourced payment gateway service provider, and is subject to Australian Privacy Law.


This design is part of the following capability.



This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Payments policy


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
The Payments standard ensures that payment systems are delivered in a manner that prioritises recipients whilst delivering efficiency and meeting the requirements of Commonwealth entities. Comply with legislation  Entities must: comply with relevant Commonwealth legislation including (but not…
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