Australian Government Architecture

Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS)

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Responsible agency: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS) is a secure, custom-built platform that supports the delivery of the Australian Apprenticeship programs, by ensuring efficient management and reporting of apprenticeship data. 

The system integrates with Digital ID and myGov for user authentication and access, enabling employers, training providers, State Training Authorities (STAs), apprentices and administrators to securely utilise apprenticeship data.


This design is part of the following capability.

Information Asset Management


This design can be relevant to meeting the requirements of the following policies.

Information Asset Management policy (Position)


This design can be useful in achieving the intent of the following standard(s).
Information is one of the most valuable assets the Australian Government holds, and it needs to be managed in a similar way to other high value assets. Commonwealth entities collect many types of information assets as they operate in their varied capacities. Entities should adopt a strategic whole-…
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