Australian Government Architecture

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Policy

Policy Requirements

API policy requirements are as follows: 

  • Understand the evolving API technology environment 

    The development approach and design decision should be informed by an understanding of current and emerging API development best practice.  

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of non-functional requirements and considerations 

    Before commencing any technology investigation, entities should analyse and assess their specific needs and determine requirements for their API solution.  

  • Utilise as a central resource is maintained for Whole of Government (WofG) API development and distribution, providing guidance, related templates, and visibility of new API releases. The site provides guidance on what is already expected as the minimum standard for API development and maintains a repository that should be published where suitable. 

  • Adhere to reuse principles 

    Analyse the current API technology environment against your requirements, identifying gaps and opportunities for reuse. Ensure the ongoing viability of API solutions through continual improvement of processes, and features, data, security, technology, skills, and cost. 

  • Lower development and maintenance complexity of API solutions 

    Low-code/no-code documented process and business rules logic that may be utilised across the development of multiple API channels and interfaces. 

  • Determine an appropriate API release, fair use, and distribution strategy 

    API owners have discretion over how, and to whom, they release APIs that facilitate interfacing with their systems. A transparent approach to availability for release, conditions of use and the distribution mechanism, is encouraged.  

  • Ensure the sustainability of API solutions 

    Continual improvement of processes, and features, data, security, technology, skills, and cost should remain a focus to maximise functionality, reduce risk, and minimise accumulation of technical debt.


This policy includes requirements that relate to the following capability.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)


The following standards show what to do to satisfy this policy.
API solutions can facilitate the interconnection of Commonwealth entity, supplier, and partner functionality needed by government to manage internal and external engagements with stakeholders. Internal interoperability via API functionality can increase productivity, efficiency, accuracy, and…


The following designs can be relevant to meeting the requirements of this policy.
Direct link: agency: Digital Transformation Agency has been designed to give technology developers, researchers, and other parties access to a range of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that can be used to integrate systems access to a range of…
Direct link: Lead agency: Australian Bureau of Statistics The ABS Data API (Beta) allows users to request detailed ABS statistics including economic, social and Census data. Data is published after…
Direct link: Responsible agency: Australian Bureau of StatisticsThe Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) offers a number of data services that allow users to access ABS data and metadata. Some of these services are available through the…
Responsible agency: Comcare Integrated Regulatory Information System (IRIS) is the primary application used by Comcare’s Regulatory Operations Group for various regulatory licensing, monitoring, compliance, and investigation tasks. It is a central, organised, easy-to access place to store data…
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