Australian Government Architecture

Information Asset Management


Information asset management refers to the processes and procedures used to create and manage information assets to effectively deliver information, insights, and services to the public at the right time in the right format. Information assets need to be efficiently managed from creation and should be appropriately destroyed once their value has ceased.

Information assets include data, information, and records. These terms are sometimes used interchangeably and their meaning can be context specific. Within the context of this AGA capability, the following definitions have been used:

  • Data: Raw letters, numbers, pictures, etc. with or without context
  • Information: Data that has meaning/context and adds value for the user
  • Records: Information created, received, and maintained as evidence and as an asset, by an entity, as part of business processes.1

In the Australian Government context, any information asset created or maintained by a Commonwealth entity is a record under Section 3 of the Archives Act 1983 (Cth). The Act defines a record as any form of documented information kept because of the information that can be derived from it or its connection with an event, person, circumstance, or thing. Digital information assets may be created2:

  • by office applications such as word-processed documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and desktop-published documents
  • in online and web-based environments such as intranets, internets, and public websites
  • by business information systems such as databases, digital/media asset management systems, geospatial data systems, human resources systems, financial systems, workflow systems, client management systems, and electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS)
  • by digital communication systems such as email, SMS (short messaging services), MMS (multimedia messaging services), voicemail, instant messaging, video conferencing and teleconferencing

Data Security, an AGA capability under the cyber security domain, refers to protecting the information collected, processed, and stored on digital and ICT systems and networks. It encompasses protecting both information asset infrastructure, and information assets from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This safeguards the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets against various cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

1 Based on the definition of a record in AS ISO 15489 – 1: Information and documentation – Records management, Part 1: Concepts and principles.

2 Types of information |


Information asset management is a fundamental enabling capability for almost all ICT investments, and is an area heavily tied to legislation due to the potential sensitivity of information retained by Commonwealth entities.

Effective digital information asset management is realised through:

  • appropriate creation, description, maintenance, use, preservation, secure storage and disposal of digital data, information, and records
  • compliance with regulatory requirements
  • consistent application of standards, policies, and procedures across entities
  • successful deployment and sustainable scaling of existing and new ICT solutions, supporting digital information assets to serve as strategic assets rather than liabilities.


The objectives of this Australian Government Architecture (AGA) content are to:

  • align and strengthen best practices of information asset management, to contribute to the Australian Government’s data and digital agenda
  • ensure that information assets are available as a resource for use and re-use by government and community to achieve government outcomes, drive innovation, increase economic productivity, and enhance social and cultural outcomes
  • reduce implementation risk of digital and ICT solutions through the reuse of proven designs within government
  • ensure that new information asset management digital and ICT solutions draw efficiency from preceding investments, implementations, and learnings
  • foster consistency across entities in technologies, data, and workflow.

Whole-of-Government Applicability

The value and necessity of sound digital information asset management becomes evident as entities expand their digital solutions. Scaling often involves handling larger volumes of information, from diverse sources, and of increased complexity, making it imperative to have organised and well-maintained data repositories.

Reliable digital information asset management supports evidence-based and faster decision-making processes, enhances overall system performance, and facilitates seamless integration with other systems. Further, it contributes to compliance with regulatory requirements, safeguarding against data breaches and addressing privacy concerns. Sound information asset management requires a collaborative approach between records, information and data management teams, digital and ICT areas, and other business areas including legal and compliance sections.

Collaborative partnerships within an entity and across government will lead to good digital information asset management practices, forming the foundation for successful deployment and sustainable scaling of digital and ICT solutions.

Policy Elements

Information Asset Management policy (Position) Mandate:
  • Share and collaborate

    Prioritise the transparent and collaborative governance of information assets. Align with common data ontologies, release non-sensitive data openly, optimise public data use. Share data with states and territories, partner with the research sector and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and implement robust data governance and risk frameworks for responsible information asset management.

  • Appropriately create, manage, retain, and dispose information assets

    Implement appropriate creation, management, retention, archiving, and destruction practices. This includes ensuring information assets are created and managed according to their value by way of transparent, responsible, and secure handling of information assets. Stringent data ownership and control conditions should be specified and maintained; and appropriate digital preservation planning undertaken.

  • Align operational and technological needs

    Investigate operational and technological needs foremost to build a clear set of functional and non-functional requirements. 

  • Adhere to reuse principles

    Analyse the current information asset management technology environment against your requirements, identifying gaps and opportunities for reuse. Ensure the ongoing viability of information asset solutions through continual improvement of processes, and features, data, security, technology, skills, and cost.

  • Engage early

    Ensure early engagement with the DTA where proposals for solutions involving information asset management either identify that the development of the system/s will be part of future budget rounds, or indicate in their proposal the intention to undertake an investigation which may require an asset management system in the future. The National Archives of Australia (NAA) may also be engaged through its Agency Service Centre.


This capability is part of the following domain.

Data and Analytics


The following policies have requirements that impact this capability.
Mandate: Endorsed
Status: Core


The following standards support development of digital solutions in this capability.
Foundational Four provides a set of principles to establish data curation practices within an agency.
Information is one of the most valuable assets the Australian Government holds, and it needs to be managed in a similar way to other high value assets. Commonwealth entities collect many types of information assets as they operate in their varied capacities. Entities should adopt a strategic whole-…
The Framework aims to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people greater agency over how their data are governed within the Australian Public Service (APS) so government held data better reflects their priorities and aspirations. It guides the Australian Public Service (APS) on how…


The following designs include examples of how digital solutions in this capability can be delivered.

Lead Agency: Australian Securities and Investment Commission is the central source of Australian open government data. Anyone can access the anonymised public data published by federal, state and local government agencies

Lead Agency: Office of the National Data Commissioner

Technology Type: Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dataplace is the digital platform to find and request Australian Government data. The platform brings together those wanting to get access to data (such as researchers and those working on public policy and delivering public services) with Australian Government agencies who are the data…

Lead Agency: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS) is a secure, custom-built platform that supports the delivery of the Australian Apprenticeship programs, by ensuring efficient management and reporting of apprenticeship data. The system integrates with Digital ID and myGov for user authentication…

Lead Agency: Office of the National Data Commissioner

Technology Type: Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics 365

The Australian Government Data Catalogue enables users to discover data held by Australian Government agencies.

Lead Agency: Department of Finance

The Australian Government Directory is a comprehensive resource that provides information about the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government. The register contains information about 1,322 government bodies, their key roles, functions and structure, as well as state and…

Lead Agency: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have developed an underlying infrastructure for the National Disability Data Asset called the Australian National Data Integration Infrastructure (ANDII). The infrastructure enables data governance and…

Lead Agency: Office of the National Data Commissioner

The Australian Open Data Toolkit will assist you to find, view and understand how to use

Lead Agency: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Development of a national mapping tool and data provision to support effective deployment and use of EV charging infrastructure.

Lead Agency: Geoscience Australia

Technology Type: CesiumJS, Leaflet, TerriaJS

NationalMap, together with, is an essential mechanism in the implementation of Australian Government's Open Data Policy, for open data publication, discovery and consumption by government, industry, research, community organisations and the general public.

Lead Agency: Department of Finance

Transparency Portal contains all publicly available corporate information for commonwealth entities. The Portal has been operating since 2018 and will over the coming years become the single definitive source of Commonwealth corporate information, providing easy access to the information for the…

Lead Agency: Comcare

Technology Type: Microsoft Dynamics 365

Integrated Regulatory Information System (IRIS) is the primary application used by Comcare’s Regulatory Operations Group for various regulatory licensing, monitoring, compliance, and investigation tasks. It is a central, organised, easy-to access place to store data about notifications (work health…
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