Australian Government Architecture

A Strategic Plan for Australia's Payments System

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Responsible agency: The Treasury
Last updated: June 2023

The Australian Government's vision is for a modern, world-class and efficient payments system that is safe, trusted and accessible, and enables greater competition, innovation and productivity across the economy. We are pursuing reforms so that our regulatory framework is fit-for-purpose now and into the future. Our agenda focuses on:

  • promoting a safe and resilient system
  • updating the payments regulatory framework
  • modernising payments infrastructure
  • uplifting competition, productivity and innovation across the economy
  • Australia as the leader in the global payments landscape.

The Strategic Plan for Australia's Payment System outlines the Australian Government's vision for the sector. It presents the key priorities and initiatives for the payments system and a roadmap of key milestones.

To ensure it remains relevant in the face of changing circumstances, the Government will review and publish an updated strategic plan every 18 months.

Access the strategy

The website hosts A Strategic Plan for Australia's Payments System (full text).


This strategy covers digital solutions in following capability.




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