This policy describes the requirements for entities planning digital investments involving mainframe computing facilities.
Digital investment proposals are assessed against this policy by the DTA through the Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (IOF).
Commonwealth entities are encouraged to apply this policy to all digital investments.
Policy requirements
Utilise the appropriate whole-of-government procurement contract
All mainframe infrastructure and services must be purchased under appropriate whole-of-government procurement contract arrangements.
Host mainframe infrastructure in complying computing facilities
Comply with the Hosting Certification Framework to ensure externally-hosted mainframe computing facilities are hosted in certified tenancies/data centres.
Identify and assess mainframe applications in use
Clearly identify mainframe applications in use and adopt a mainframe modernisation strategy to assess value for money, fitness-for-purpose and risks against alternative commodity, cloud computing options.
Manage mainframe workforce skills risk
Assess and proactively manage the workforce skills risk for all mainframe applications which support their organisation, including those which are hosted externally to their organisation.
Ensure an effective hybrid technology environment
Mainframe applications and data must be effectively integrated into a hybrid technology environment which reduces risk and enables use of the most appropriate, cost effective and risk-balanced technology components to meet the business needs of the organisation.
Transition away from outdated technologies
Transition critical applications away from outdated and unsupported code bases, transaction processing, and database environments to modern commodity, cloud computing environments where value for money, fitness-for-purpose and risks factors enable this. Entities must not run critical workloads on unsupported mainframe hardware or software.
Adhere to reuse principles
Give priority to the adoption of reuseable digital and ICT solutions, patterns, or knowledge, and, where necessary, design new solutions with a focus on future reuse.