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Ref: was retired in 2023, and now redirects to was the official website of the Australian Government. It offered the latest news, updates, and…
DES39Tranche 1 of the modernisation of the Australian Electoral Commission’s ICT systems and infrastructure.
DES57An interactive, self-service online tool in the form of a library of guidance materials. The AGA will be accessible to agencies, as well as industry and the public, in a way that is searchable and…
STA6The TDIF Credential Level 1 (CL1) is an accreditation standard within the TDIF. It provides a basic authentication credential suitable for use at the IP1 proofing level. This allows single-factor…
STA3The TDIF Credential Level 2 (CL2) is an accreditation standard within the TDIF. It provides a strong authentication credential suitable at the IP1, IP2 and IP3 proofing levels. This requires two-…
STA11The TDIF Credential Level 3 (CL3) is an accreditation standard within the TDIF. It provides a very strong authentication credential, suitable at the IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4 levels. This requires two…
DES92An individual or sole trader can use ATO online services through myGov to manage tax and super in one place.
DES81Confirms a person’s identity by matching the characteristics of their voice to the voiceprint managed by each agency
STA20The DTA continues to explore ways to securely and efficiently deliver government services using modern technologies, and has recently evaluated blockchain
DES88BAM enabled agencies to accept user authentication with a myGovID and a RAM business authorisation for their portal, without the need to significantly reconfigure their portal. BAM has been…