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CAP29Complaints and Issues Resolution refers to managing the collection of and effective resolution for complaints from Australian Businesses about…
CAP34Government Branding refers to ensuring consistent Australian Government branding across digital services provided to businesses.
ObjectiveAn objective for this…
CAP61Identity Management is a set of processes to manage the identification and authentication of Australian businesses and their authorised representatives.…
CAP17Identity Management is a set of processes to manage the identification and authentication of individual users of government digital services. It…
CAP26Knowledge Management refers to management of information and resources within an agency and between agencies to create knowledge.
ObjectiveAn objective…
CAP37Virtual Servicing is a set of policies, processes and technologies used to allow agencies to deliver services virtually to individuals, enabling more flexible and…
CAP46Managing tailored experiences for individuals based on their credentials, preferences and needs.
ObjectivesAn objective for this space will be finalised…
CAP16Government Branding is how the Australian Government presents itself, its agencies and its digital products. The role of Government Branding (and the brands that…
CAP62Orchestration and Choreography refers to providing automated configuration, management, and coordination of computer systems, applications, and…
CAP53Secure Data Exchange refers to providing secure data exchange between systems within an agency or between agencies and users. Secure Data Exchange application is…