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DES19The Mobile Authentication Pattern available through myGov enables individuals to sign in to an agency app using their myGov login details.
For more information, please contact the myGov…
DES69Agencies can request the myGov onboarding documentation which defines the necessary Profiles, Schemas, Specifications, and Standards to connect their services to myGov from MYGOV.ENGAGEMENT@…
DES104The Web Authentication Pattern available through myGov enables individuals to sign in to an agency website or service using their myGov login details.
For more information, please contact…
DES29The Government Brand Architecture Master Pack is available from DTA on request.
DES73Program to modernise and transform schools and higher education technology platforms. Platforms include capabilities to manage funding and policy rules, user identification and access, data…
DES109HousingVic Online Services is a secure online platform allowing Victorian renters and social housing applicants to view and manage their housing information through myGov.
DES48Program of work to stabilise the International Communications Network (ICN), and undertake a scoping study to determine the long-term secure communications technology, systems and data capability…
DES43The IMS Program will underpin the AFP's Next Generation Investigations Case Management capability and provide a single platform for operational members to manage investigations throughout their…
DES2Medicare is Australia’s universal health care system and helps Australians with the cost of their healthcare. People with a Medicare card need to sign in through myGov to set up and use their…
DES16My Health Record is an online summary of an individual's health information that they and their healthcare providers can view securely, which is accessed through myGov.