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DES24Dataplace is the digital platform to find and request Australian Government data. The platform brings together those wanting to get access to data (such as researchers and those working on public…
Ref: is the central source of Australian open government data. Anyone can access the anonymised public data published by federal, state and local government agencies
DES41The Australian Open Data Toolkit will assist you to find, view and understand how to use
DES10Transparency Portal contains all publicly available corporate information for commonwealth entities. The Portal has been operating since 2018 and will over the coming years become the single…
DES95Development of a national mapping tool and data provision to support effective deployment and use of EV charging infrastructure.
DES117The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) have released guidance and tools to assist agencies in complying with the Benefits Management Policy. This includes key benefits management concepts and…
DES165The Gatekeeper Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Framework governs the way the Australian Government uses digital keys and certificates to assure the identity of subscribers to authentication…
DES153This guide is based on the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988, and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (OAIC) APP Guidelines. It is designed to help…
DES166This document provides guidance for Australian Government agencies completing assessments using the draft Australian Government artificial intelligence (AI) assurance framework. Use it as an…
DES167Technological advances have made it easier for agencies to make automated decisions. However, it is well recognised that automated systems have the potential to significantly impact the rights and…