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DES45Payment Utility is a SAP-based centralised payments platform that delivers payments to recipients through multiple methods.
DES143myCASA is an online portal that enables users to apply for an aviation reference number (ARN), register drones (RPA), obtain accreditation, and view licences and certificates. To access myCASA…
DES156The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance solution developed originally as part of GovERP is hosted on S/4HANA on Services Australia’s Private Microsoft Azure Cloud, but could be copied and…
DES157Under the whole of government ERP solution SAP’s SuccessFactors was a software as a service (SaaS) solution developed for the H2R value stream. SAP SuccessFactors is a suite of human resource…
DES159Within the GovERP initiative Expense8, a software as a service (SaaS) solution, was identified as the platform of choice for implementing Travel and Expense Management (TEMS) capability. …
Ref: is an online marketplace that connects government buyers with ICT industry suppliers
DES83The Australian Government Data Catalogue enables users to discover data held by Australian Government agencies.
DES161Per the FinOps Foundation:
The FinOps Foundation is a project of the Linux Foundation, a non-profit that provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers and organizations to code,…
DES82A guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government.
DES9NationalMap, together with, is an essential mechanism in the implementation of Australian Government's Open Data Policy, for open data publication, discovery and consumption by…