Australian Government Architecture

How to use

The Australian Government Architecture (AGA) helps to increase our understanding and control of government’s digital landscape. It does this by providing a shared resource of the information which supports and informs digital investment decision making.  

The capabilities, policies, standards and supporting design artefacts within the AGA form a set of guidance against which to assess new and existing digital solutions. This material is organised within the AGA through the Domain and Capability Model (PDF). 

Visual of the Domain and Capability Model 

Investment oversight and the Australian Government Architecture

Agencies should review the AGA for guidance on specific capabilities prior to undertaking investment proposals, ICT capability development or digital procurement activities. 

While it applies to all agencies when delivering digital outcomes for government, alignment to the AGA is tested within the whole-of-government Digital and ICT Investment Oversight Framework (the IOF) for new investments. AGA guidance can also be applied to and help support agencies’ own internal, business-as-usual initiatives and investment. 

Content within the AGA

The content of the AGA follows a specific structure and ruleset. Content within the AGA is organised in a hierarchy of domains, capabilities, policies, standards and designs

Read more about the content types and states within the AGA

Changes, contributions and ongoing updates

To ensure the AGA remains effective, it is continually iterated based on feedback and key insights drawn from its usage. 

Some areas of the AGA are not yet developed. We welcome input and proposed new content from industry or APS leaders which may expand the breadth of content in the AGA.

The AGA is continually being expanded, updated and developed to remain contemporary and fit for purpose.

Stakeholders can engage with the DTA to provide new content by emailing

How it helps

The AGA’s focus is on making it easy to understand how the directions and decisions of government for digital fit together. It is not just designed for architects and digital practitioners but it also contains specialised and technical content.  

The AGA’s guidance helps government deliver capabilities faster and in a way that is consistent, interoperable, promotes reuse, represents less risk and ensures value for money.  

The AGA offers government agencies clarity on how capabilities can or should be delivered. It shows how the artefacts and guidance it contains relate to their role in delivering government strategies. 

It supports key decision makers to identify opportunities for reuse, key risk in the whole-of-government digital and ICT landscape and gaps in capabilities where further investment is required.  

It provides industry with clarity on governments expectations for how capability should be delivered and insight into digital portfolio priorities.

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Do not include any personal information. We are unable to respond to comments or feedback. If you would like a response, please email, or phone us. Our details are on the AGA contact page